Thursday, February 04, 2010

Once a week.

Okay, I've promised myself for months now that I would keep coming back. But, my ADHD has been acting up, and other things (usually Snood) keeps me from posting things I need to. I have a lot to say, and my wife is really the only one who hears my ramblings. I'm sure she wishes I had another outlet. Oh, wait, but I DO!!!

So, here, on my blog, I promise to post something--even if it's a period or one word that describes my mood--once a week. I have a great idea to start things off with. But, you have to wait until Saturday night (it's Thursday now) to find out what it is.

Until then, I will leave you with this--sometimes I feel like Mr. Krabs, sometimes like Plankton, and sometimes like Patrick. But I have NEVER felt at all like Spongebob.

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