Saturday, April 10, 2010

The good ol' days...

How many of you have grandparents (or parents, even) who are like the Grumpy Old Man Dana Carvey plaed on Saturday Night know, the one who started out sentences with "When I was your age..."?

Now, how many you had parents or grandparents who MEANT it?

Seems like they had it rough....going to school, uphill both ways in the snow, with paper sacks for shoes...

Had to work 18 hours a day, 6 days a week to get enough money to buy a 5 cent hamburger....

Then split that up between themselves and 6 siblings... (And they always liked it!!)

This generation we can't do that. What are we going to tell our grandkids? "When I was your age, we had to lift our arm and point a remote control to turn on the TV set...we couldn't just blink."

"When I was your age, we had to put the car in gear for it to drive..not just tell it where to go!!"

How about these:

"When I was your age, people actually went out, got jobs, and were rewarded for doing hard work. They didn't give over all of their money to the government and were told they were the drain on America because they didn't want handouts."

"When I was your age, we had to earn things like cars, televisions, houses....we didn't just get them because we breathe air."

"When I was your age, we could own a gun and defend ourselves when some recidivistic scumbag broke into our house at 3 am wanting to rob and kill us, instead of being convicted of a crime because we decided the stuff we had was ours...including our family's lives."

And, how about..."When I was your age, we could speak our mind...we had a Constitution, not some "global hate speech" law..."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am afraid that you have predicted the future correctly!